Welcome to the Astrology Food for Thought Blog

This blog presents my interpretation of astrological symbolism as it pertains to the unfolding of individual lives and the events occurring in our world. I welcome you to present your own views and to challenge my thinking. Although I attempt to rely on accurate sources of information, I encourage you to do your own fact-checking, since any resource may at times be flawed.

Friday, February 18, 2011



Preface:  As I do every month for each of the signs, I want to emphasize that if your birthday does not fall during the Pisces timeframe for the year you were born, this DOES NOT mean that you do not experience the energy of Pisces, because somewhere in your natal birth chart, it is present.  All twelve signs of the zodiac are expressed in your being, although some signs, and therefore their corresponding energies, may be more emphasized than others.

The Sun sign is about your essence, your vitality (what makes you feel alive), and your self-image.  Whatever your Sun sign, you are on a life-long journey to discover and fully embrace this sign’s energy.  You will be tested in life to experience the meaning of your Sun sign’s energy.

By Chris Gonzalez

Imagine in your being a dreamy force
That yearns for release in creative form –
A mystical song, stained glass, or rhymed verse,
You are now traveling in Pisces’ realm.

Separating and merging – these two fishes dance,
One swims close to earth, one toward the Great Beyond,
Moved to feel various realms of existence.
In whichever state, Pisces feels at home.

In the wheel of life, Pisces is the last spoke,
The final stage where we release and transcend
Dissolving our boundaries so we can evoke
An awareness that universal life will never end.

The Sun moved into the sign of Pisces on February 18, 2011 (PST) and transits this sign until midafternoon March 20.  As I approached my timetable for writing this profile of Pisces, I feared that I would get writer’s block. Pisces is one of the astrological signs that I have problems describing in concrete words.  Why is this? I think it is because the zodiac sign of Pisces is about spiritual development and humankind’s relationship with the divine.  Pisces is about transcending personal attachments to matter. This territory is often nebulous and doesn’t necessarily lend itself to easily understandable descriptive language. 

The symbol for Pisces is two fish facing opposite directions but bound by a cord.  Astrologer Dana Gerhardt posits that the two fish are really gods in disguise.  One fish travels toward the heavens for spiritual transcendence while its partner travels a more secular path along the material plane.[1] Hence, one may speculate that the cord represents binding the paths of earthly existence with that of the mystical.

 Pisces is a mutable water sign. The ocean is Pisces’ home and water symbolizes emotional and spiritual energy.  Although the ocean is vast, water has tremendous power to cause ripple effects with everything else, and thus illustrates the connectedness of life. The perspective of “oneness” is a key Piscean theme, both in the mystical realm as well as the way Pisces energy interacts on the earthly plane.  One prominent individual who characterizes this energy is the late Beatle George Harrison, a Sun Sign Pisces who was the most obviously spiritual of his fellow band members.  His music, influenced by Hindu mysticism, speaks of devotion and peace. His works reflecting this spirituality include “Give me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)" and "My Sweet Lord". Another Piscean, Bohemian author Jack Kerouac, spoke to this sign’s theme of unity in life and dreaming when he said, “All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.”[2]

 The astrological chart is analogous to the Wheel of Life, and in the chart, the last house, the 12th, is ruled by Pisces.  The movement around the 360 degree chart is one that reflects a move from the individualism of the first sign of Aries to the collectivism of Pisces. Traditionally in astrology the 12th house shows service at a large institutional level, particularly ones that are characterized by seclusion or removed from the mainstream.  Astrologer Maurice Fernandez, in his analysis of Pisces, Neptune and the 12th House, says that the Pisces archetype shows us how a person taps into the needs of public and collective consciousness. He encourages astrologers to consider this when analyzing client charts as it relates to career and vocation.[3] It’s interesting to note that Johnny Cash, the late singer with a Pisces Sun, performed regularly at prisons, which, in astrology jargon, is an institution that fits neatly the 12th house.

Pisces energy gravitates to types represented by the poet, the dancer, the musician, and the religious devotee.  However, astrologer Dana Gerhardt cautions that we should not restrict our thinking that Pisces is not suited for careers which seem to be counter to the Pisces personality.  Gerhardt believes that because Pisces is so good at sensing their surroundings and adjusting to their environment that they can “go with the flow.”  Gerhardt views this “shape-shifting” quality as being central to an understanding of Pisces.[4] Scientist Albert Einstein successfully solved major gaps in knowledge in physics with his theories of relativity, in part because his “Pisces processing” allowed him to see how disparate parts could fit into a whole theory.  Yet, Einstein did poorly in school in his younger years, preferring to daydream (utilizing Piscean imagination) in class and he was known for being disorganized.  Nevertheless in many fields, the Einsteins of the world are needed to see the “big picture” in problem solving.

We can see that on a spiritual level, Pisces can tap into the place of oneness and connectedness.  Pisces extends this perspective into the realm of everyday existence.  A Piscean belief system would incorporate the concepts that shared space and interests are appropriate between human beings, whether that be in living situations such as communal living, economic interests organized in worker collectives, a local community’s identification of “the commons”, the sharing of online information in the public domain (e.g. Wiki), or advocacy efforts on behalf of the “public interest.”  In the case of the last example, this concept has been perpetuated in modern times by Ralph Nader, a long-time public advocate whose Sun Sign is in Pisces.

The fluidity of the Pisces personality, open to multiple external influences, can cause vacillation in thinking and behavior.  Pisceans are often characterized as being sensitive and impressionable.  Pisces energy often demonstrates kindness, trust, and openness to limitless possibilities.  Have you ever had someone sit you down to tell you some “bad” news in a very compassionate manner, perhaps filled with some palatable distortions in order to have the least painful impact on you?  That person was using their Piscean energy in this situation.  Astrologer Deborah Houlding’s perspective is that Pisces’ reputation for deception stems not from dishonesty, but rather from a reluctance to face uncomfortable issues head on and to minimize distress.[5]  Bohemian writer and Piscean Anais Nin once said, “I don't tell the truth any more to those who can't make use of it. I tell it mostly to myself, because it always changes me.”[6]

The planet Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, while modern day astrology suggests a rulership by the planet Neptune.  Among Jupiterian urges is that of freedom from restraint and earthly obligations.  While Jupiter can begin activities because of an initial inspiration, this planet’s drawback is the lack of sustained energy over time to fulfill objectives (unless earth energies come into play).  Neptune is the energy force that brings the softening quality often demonstrated in the Piscean approach.  Neptune’s thrust is to dissolve boundaries in order to bring about greater equality and communality. Because of Jupiter’s tendency to move away from mundane responsibilities and Neptune’s erasing of boundaries, persons with Piscean energy can choose to escape through the use of drugs or dreams.  While staying in a drugged state or in a perpetual dream state can be problematic, the use of the imagination is a necessary and healthy process in the appropriate context.  The Piscean writer of children’s books, Dr. Seuss, utilized this energy constructively.  Regarding imagination he said, “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”[7]  You can’t say Pisceans don’t have a sense of humor!

The following is a short list of well-known (deceased) Pisceans:

Anais Nin – Writer
Edward Kennedy – U.S. Senator
Pierre Renoir – Artist
George Harrison – Musician/Singer
Johnny Cash – Singer
Rudolph Steiner – Occultist
Elizabeth B. Browning – Poet
Jack Kerouac – Writer
Percival Lowell – Astronomer
Albert Einstein – Scientist
Michaelangelo – Artist
Nat King Cole – Singer
Rudolf Nureyev – Dancer
Nicolaus Copernicus – Astronomer
Linus Pauling – Scientist
Dr. Seuss - Writer
Maurice Ravel - Composer


1.      Gerhardt, Dana. February/March 2009.  “Pisces’ Labor: Capturing Unlimited Possibilities.”  The Mountain Astrologer, #143, pp.11-15.
2.      Jack Kerouac. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jackkeroua384511.html
3.      Fernandez, Maurice. October/November 2007.  “Neptune, the 12th House, and Pisces.” The Mountain Astrologer, #135, pp.40-46.
4.      Gerhardt, Dana. February/March 2009.  “Pisces’ Labor: Capturing Unlimited Possibilities.”  The Mountain Astrologer, #143, pp.11-15.
5.      Houlding, Deborah. October/November 2008.  “Pisces the Fish.”  The Mountain Astrologer, #141, pp.25-31.
6.      Anais Nin. (n.d.) Famousquotesandauthors.com. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Famousquotesand authors.com. Website: http://www.famousquotesandauthors.com
7.      Dr. Seuss. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/drseuss106019.html.


  1. Pisces energy never ceases to amaze me. It is tempting to think of Pisces as so ethereal, but its qualities very much make themselves known on the earth plane. Thanks for your insights!

  2. i really relate to the collectivist ideal and naturally see us as one people; seek hybridization in art...believe in freedom of information; creative conception is a waking dream improvised at the right moment(s)...the physical/mental commons is the only human community i truly feel within......much of what you write matches me as pisces...thanks for your insightful blog; the quotes and background for the people are great.


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