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This blog presents my interpretation of astrological symbolism as it pertains to the unfolding of individual lives and the events occurring in our world. I welcome you to present your own views and to challenge my thinking. Although I attempt to rely on accurate sources of information, I encourage you to do your own fact-checking, since any resource may at times be flawed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013



If your birthday does not fall during the Aries timeframe for the year you were born, this DOES NOT mean that you do not experience the energy of Aries, because somewhere in your natal birth chart, it is present. All twelve signs of the zodiac are expressed in your being, although some signs, and therefore their corresponding energies, may be more emphasized than others. The Sun sign is about your essence, your vitality (what makes you feel alive), and your self-image. Whatever your Sun sign, you are on a life-long journey to discover and fully embrace this sign’s energy.

The Sun began its transit of the sign of Aries at 4:01 a.m. PDT on March 20, 2013.

Aries Energy at a Glance

We use these terms to describe individuals displaying Aries energy:

Initiator      Trailblazer  Pioneer        Warrior       Daredevil     Leader        
                   Quick          Impulsive     Courageous  Present-Oriented
Independent                   Dynamic      Competitive          
                                  Quick-tempered   Domineering Brusque
    Arrogant        “I’m First”
Lacks Follow-Through     

Arians Speak

Lady Gaga
Born March 28, 1986
Arian Singer and Dancer

“All that ever holds somebody back, I think, is fear. For a minute I had fear. [Then] I went into the [dressing] room and shot my fear in the face...”

Paul Robeson
Born April 9, 1898
Arian Renaissance Man – Athlete, Actor, Singer, and Political Activist

"The artist must elect to fight for Freedom or for Slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative."

Al Gore
Born March 31, 1948
Arian Environmentalist and Former U.S. Vice President

“During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

Maya Angelou
Born April 4, 1928
Arian Poet and Author

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass.”

Daniel Ellsberg
Born April 7, 1931
Arian Author and Former Military Analyst (known for his release of the Pentagon Papers)

“There are two types of courage involved with what I did. When it comes to picking up a rifle, millions of people are capable of doing that, as we see in Iraq or Vietnam. But when it comes to risking their careers, or risking being invited to lunch by the establishment, it turns out that's remarkably rare.”

Source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/danielells413775.html#PclOMmHjqOavPfyx.99

Dolores Huerta
Born April 10, 1930
Arian Union Activist and Feminist

“Every one of us has to make a commitment to social justice. You have to have the courage to get out there and fight for it.”

Rachel Maddow
Born April 1, 1973
Arian TV Political Journalist (Host of MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show”)

I'm not a screamer. I'm confrontational, but I don't think that translates into anger.”

What Astrologers Say About Aries

Aries Symbolism and Rulerships

At the vernal equinox, we arrive at a new season where light and darkness are equal. From this point on, until the summer solstice, light will dominate over dark. In winter, energy turned inward and nature itself went dormant. In the spring, energy bursts outward again. Nature has awakened, and we now see plant life blooming lushly. Life takes on a new vibrancy.

In Latin, Aries refers to the ram, and this animal symbolizes the first sign of the zodiac. The glyph, shown above, looks like the horns and nose of a Ram. Astrologer Bruce Nevin explains that the glyph also looks like the nose and eyebrows of the human face, and since Aries rules the head and the eyes, this appears to be appropriate imagery. Furthermore, Nevin continues, the glyph also resembles a young plant shooting from the ground. This corresponds to the vital energy of new vegetation emerging from the ground in the new season of spring. Since the sign of Aries reflects new beginnings, the glyph may also symbolize the “forks in the road” we often perceive when we encounter a new phase of possibilities. Nevin says that Aries must use “its head” in making choices, and this sign is known for being decisive.[1]

The planet Mars rules the sign of Aries. Mars represents the vital energy to pursue your desires. This god in mythology was a warrior, summoning courage, passion, aggression, competitive spirit, and action. Mars lives for adventures that keep his world exciting and challenging. Houlding calls Mars the defiant spirit and the moral champion.[2] In her description of Mars, astrologer Caroline Casey says that the “gods did not place desires in our psyche for them to be thwarted or disappointed, but rather as an incentive to growth. Desires are our instructional blueprints of the possible.”[3]

Astrologer Deborah Houlding contends that although Aries is ruled by Mars, the sign’s characteristics resemble solar qualities, such as enthusiasm, courage, energy, and creativity. The Sun represents consciousness, definition, clear direction, and individuality. Both the Sun and Mars demonstrate how power and will rise above instinct and seize control.[4]

Aries is one of four cardinal signs, representing the signs at the angles of the zodiac wheel that initiate a new season. Consequently, each of the cardinal signs demonstrates the ability and the drive to begin something anew. Aries energy consists of the fire element, which exhibits inspiring and passionate expression, along with the will to devote intensive energy. However, Aries passion may be short-lived, and not be there for the steady energy needed to sustain an activity.

Aries corresponds to the first house of the zodiac, proclaiming “I am!” The realm of the first house relates to self-image, which an individual projects through physical characteristics and personality. This house reflects how the native will present his or her self to the world.

How Aries Energy Manifests In The Personality

Zodiac signs show how humans will express their motivations, as represented by the planets. In the area where Aries is present in the chart, individuals will show a willfulness and fortitude in meeting life’s challenges. As a cardinal fire sign, Aries will initiate and inspire in that aspect of life. Astrologer Dana Gerhardt observes that where Aires appears in the chart, the native will have the gift of beginnings and will blaze new trails.[5]

Some key words for Aries include these characteristics: brave, enthustiastic, self-confident, competitive, leadership seeker, spontaneous and pioneering. Less flattering personality traits are selfish, reckless, tactless, impatient, quick-tempered, and brusque.

Houlding remarks that Aries is the “doer,” not the plotter, therefore what you see is what you get.[6]  Aries makes things happen; he or she earns recognition as the “Energizer bunny.” When I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, I faithfully listened to astrologer Caroline Casey’s radio program on KPFA. When she spoke of Aries (and I paraphrase), she would say that Aries just wants to do anything. In her book, Casey states that, “They prefer any kind of interaction—even negative—to none at all.” She continues with the observation that Aries role is to be catalytic, much like the beginning of spring. As the eternal adolescent, Aries is in a perpetual search for identity, asking “Who Am I?” Casey explains that the Ram embodies “the struggle to emerge, to be distinct individuals, warriors, mavericks, and flirts.”[7]

Back in 2008, when Barack Obama first ran for the office of president, I was struck how his campaign cheer exemplified Aries energy. During his campaign, he recounted how this cheer came to be. He explained that he had made a promise that he would campaign down in South Carolina in exchange for an endorsement. On the day that he arrived, he was tired, the weather was bad, and he had to wake up very early to drive two hours to the destination. When he arrived in the small town of Greenwood, South Carolina, there were only 20 people in the room. All of a sudden he heard a woman shout, “Fired up!” and people would respond, “Ready to go!.” The impetus came from 60-year-old Edith Childs, a city councilwoman in Greenwood. Suddenly, everyone in the room, including Obama, was shouting this cheer. Aries enthusiasm can often overturn a bad mood![8]

More About The Purpose of Aries

Astrologer Steven Forrest presents a thorough and structured analysis of all the signs, and his description captures very clearly the essence of Aries. Forrest says that the Ram’s attention is on the power of the will to shape a life.[9] The comments by Arian performer Lady Gaga often reflect this bravado and fearless attitude toward life.

Forrest explains that Aries’ strategy is to place itself in scary situations; the accompanying stress is a teaching method to learn courage. Aries poet Maya Angelou’s reflects this intuitive understanding of the concept of courage in her observation: “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”[10] 

Forrest emphasizes that doing exactly what one pleases is hard to attain because humans are met with personal and external obstacles that will work against this. The personality characteristics of Aries, says Forrest, become this sign’s resources to find the perfect mating of desire with action. Crisis becomes the testing ground for Aries to “uncover the heart of the warrior,” Forrest posits.[11]

A weakness of Aries energy (as part of the shadow material discussed by Forrest) is fighting the wrong battle, putting energy in pointless confrontation because a warrior self-image must be maintained.[12] For me, this is evident in the makeup of warrior countries, like my own. Perhaps Virgo, a master of discernment, can advise Aries to “pick your battles,” because not every issue warrants equal energetic commitment.

In astrology, one sign’s weakness can be compensated by the qualities of another sign. Aries and Libra operate on the same polarity, 180 degrees apart. As opposites, these signs complement each other. Aries is the “me” sign and Libra is the sign of the “other.” As astrologer Dana Gerhardt explains, “…Libra knows others and often loses itself, while Aries knows itself but loses others.”[13] It does Aries good to take in some of Libra’s consideration for the other, while the opposite is true of Libra. Although we might find situations where we benefit by anchoring ourselves more closely to one end of the polarity over the other, the healthy ideal is when we are able to achieve integration by fusing the qualities of the two polarities.


[1] Bruce Nevin (1982). Astrology Inside Out. Rockport, Massachusetts: Para Research, Inc. pp.77-78

[2] Deborah Houlding. (April/May 2009). “Aries the Ram.” The Mountain Astrologer, Issue#144, pp.40-47.

[3] Caroline Casey. (1998). Making the Gods Work for You. New York: Harmony Books, p24.

[4] Deborah Houlding, Op.Cit.

[5] Dana Gerhardt. (April/May 2009). “Taming Aries’ Wild Horses.” The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #144, pp.15-19.

[6] Deborah Houlding, Op. Cit.

[7] Caroline Casey. Op. Cit., p.178.  
[8] From my personal memory of Obama’s campaign rallies where he recounts this story . Also, noted at Obama for America. Retrieved on March 25, 2012: http://www.barackobama.com/news/entry/sc-four-years-later-and-shes-still-fired-up-ready-to-go

[9] Steven Forrest. (1988). The Inner Sky. San Diego: ACS Publications, pp. 37-41.

[10] Maya Angelou. “Courage Quotes.” Emily’s Fund for a Better World. Retrieved on March 24, 2013 from: http://www.doonething.org/quotes/courage-quotes.htm

[11] Ibid.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Dana Gerhardt. Op. Cit.

Profile of a Prominent Arian

Gloria Steinem
Born March 25, 1934
Feminist Activist and Journalist

Short Biographical Profile

Known as one of the pioneers of the 20th century women’s movement in the United States, Gloria Steinem remains active in present-day feminist issues. She co-founded the Women’s Media Center, which seeks to shape the visibility of women in the media and expand their voice through advocacy, training, and the creation of original content. Most recently, I was reminded of Steinem’s remarkable legacy when I viewed the PBS documentary Makers, which recounts the stories of women who broke ground in various fields. Gloria Steinem and the other women featured in Makers were visionaries and frontline activists who catalyzed change (or sometimes opposed it) in the definition of personal and societal roles for women.

Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio on March 25, 1934 to a traveling antiques dealer of Jewish heritage and his Presbyterian wife of Scottish-German descent. Steinem’s mother suffered from mental illness for most of Gloria’s young life. Her father left the family while Gloria was still young, and she assumed responsibility for overseeing her mother’s care. Steinem’s observations of injustices against her mother helped to form her political perspectives of feminism years later. An excellent student, Steinem was nominated to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated from Smith College.

In the 1960s, Gloria Steinem began writing articles about political issues related to women. Employed for a time as a Playboy Bunny, Steinem wrote an expose of the exploitation of women in this industry. She was unable to secure assignments for a while after this expose, but she later began writing serious pieces at New York Magazine, covering such topics as abortion. By the early 1970s, Steinem decided that it was important to establish a magazine devoted to feminist topics. In 1972, she founded Ms. magazine, which allowed her to explore various women’s issues journalistically and travel the world as a speaker and organizer. Her contributions to improving the quality of women’s lives earned her induction in the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1993.

Over the years, Steinem has expanded her focus to include the promotion of nonviolent conflict resolution with the study of indigenous peoples and socioeconomic boundaries. Her present work examines the interrelationships of gender roles with race caste systems and child abuse as roots of violence. From her New York base, she presently devotes time to writing her latest work, Road to the Heart: America As if Everyone Mattered.

Some Observations about the Natal Chart of Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem’s natal chart is shown at the end of this section. Since I am not in a dialogue with Steinem, I can’t say with certainty how the dynamics of her chart are played out in her life.

The natal chart of Gloria Steinem reflects that of a person whom many might describe as a “force that must be reckoned with.” The ruler of her Aries Sun, Mars, is conjunct the Sun, thereby intensifying her natural tendency towards leadership and risk-taking. Moreover, her Ascendant is in the intense and probing sign of, which makes her appear as someone who is taken seriously, and perhaps intimidating to some. Steinem’s Scorpio influence predisposes her to want to probe deeply into issues and she understands the importance of galvanizing power for a purpose. Four planets plus the Ascendant in fire propel her into action in passionate pursuit of a cause.

Although certainly a livewire, Steinem is also a cerebral person, with three planets plus the North Node in air signs. Aquarius shares the third house of communication and local environment with Capricorn. Her Venus, North Node, and Saturn are conjunct in Aquarius at the IC, the most private aspect of her life, located at the bottom of the chart. She may consider those in her local community with whom she networks (Aquarius) as “sisters in the cause.” Venus trines (harmonious energy) Jupiter in Libra (ruled by Venus) in the 11th house of people with whom she shares common interests.

Steinem’s Mercury, the planet of the rational mind and communication is in the 4th house of roots and home, in the sign of Pisces. This adds a softness to how she expresses herself, which does have a fluid quality. The ruler of her Mercury is Neptune, which is located in Virgo in her 10th house of career and social standing. Neptune is related to compassion and imagination, and also governs the concept of being in service to a cause. Perhaps Steinem’s home situation required that she use compassionate and healing communication. Albeit a difficult living situation, it provided Steinem with tools that she may have put to good use as a leader in the women’s movement.

Steinem’s chart contains a T-square, a configuration that denotes a major issue in the person’s life. Her T-square consists of an opposition (indicating awareness of the other) in which Uranus in Aries in the 6th house might indicate a day-to-day unpredictability and volatility. This contrasts with another environment she may have experienced with like-minded individuals that provided opportunities for expansion and growth. Both Uranus and Jupiter in square relationship with Pluto (a figure of power-her father?) which is in Cancer in the 9th house. I’m thinking that Steinem’s early life reflected an instability with her father and the family traveling (9th house) for his antiques work. This dynamic may have caused feelings of uncertainty and perhaps a longing for a stable home and community environment. Her father may have been inconsistent in his parenting, or he may have had to take on the role of both father and mother, due to his wife’s mental illness. Gloria Steinem had to contend with parental abandonment, with her mother lacking in emotional presence, and her father eventually moving away to California. Some astrologers say that the “solution” to the problem of the T-square is to be found in the “empty leg” or the point opposite of the focus planet (Pluto). In that empty leg territory of the third house lies the local community and sibling-like relationships (her chosen “sisterhood”) that may have served as the solution to the needs expressed by this T-square configuration.


The Official Website of Author and Activist Gloria Steinem: http://www.gloriasteinem.com/who-is-gloria/

Women’s Media Center: http://www.womensmediacenter.com/

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