Welcome to the Astrology Food for Thought Blog

This blog presents my interpretation of astrological symbolism as it pertains to the unfolding of individual lives and the events occurring in our world. I welcome you to present your own views and to challenge my thinking. Although I attempt to rely on accurate sources of information, I encourage you to do your own fact-checking, since any resource may at times be flawed.

Friday, June 21, 2013



If your birthday does not fall during the Cancer timeframe for the year you were born, this DOES NOT mean that you do not experience the energy of Cancer, because somewhere in your natal birth chart, it is present. All twelve signs of the zodiac are expressed in your being, although some signs, and therefore their corresponding energies, may be more emphasized than others. The Sun sign is about your essence, your vitality (what makes you feel alive), and your self-image. Whatever your Sun sign, you are on a life-long journey to discover and fully embrace this sign’s energy.

The Sun began its transit of the sign of Cancer on June 20, 2013 at 10:03 p.m. PDT.

Cancer Energy at a Glance

Here are some of the descriptive terms used to describe the characteristics of Cancerians:

*Upholder of traditions




* Security     Seeker




*Possesses a Good Memory








Cancerians Speak

Anthony Bourdain
Cancerian Chef and TV host of “No Reservations”
Born June 25, 1956

“To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.”

Angela Merkel
Cancerian Chancellor of Germany
Born July 17, 1954

“Our birth rate is now half that in 1965 ... When I am chancellor, family values will be enshrined in our taxation system.”

Andrew Wyeth
Cancerian Visual Artist
Born July 12, 1917 and died January 16, 2009

“Let’s be sensible about this. I put a lot of things into my work which are very personal to me. So how can the public feel these things? I think most people get to my work through the back door. They’re attracted by the realism and they sense the emotion and the abstraction — and eventually, I hope, they get their own powerful emotion.”

Elizabeth Warren
Cancerian U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
Born June 22, 1949

“I'm still very connected to my family, to the world I grew up in. I understand what it means to be afraid that you can't pay a doctor's bill. Or to have to make the choice between buying a band uniform for a seventh-grader and making the insurance payment on time. That will never leave me. It was how I lived until I was well into my adult years.”

Diana Spencer
Cancerian Princess of Wales
Born July 1, 1961 and died August 31, 1997

“I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties”

What Astrologers Say About the Sign of Cancer

Cancerian Symbolism and Rulerships

Astrologer Deborah Houlding informs us that the symbolism for the zodiac sign of Cancer has its origins in ancient Babylonia and Greece. More widely known from its Greek origins, the crab came to represent the sign’s characteristics of loyalty, persistence, and determination. As the mythological tale goes, the goddess Hera had intentions to kill the mighty Hercules. Hera managed to manipulate Hercules into committing a great crime, for which he was “sentenced’ to performing various labors in order to be forgiven. One of his tasks was to kill the nine-headed water serpent, Hydra. While he was engaged in a contest with the Hydra, Hera sent a crab to assist Hydra. The crab successfully bit Hercules’s toes, but because of the hero’s strength, he smashed the crab’s shell and killed it. As a reward, Hera placed the image of the crab in the heavens. Another version of the story has Hercules kicking the crab into the night 
sky.[1] and [2]

Above is the glyph for the zodiac sign of Cancer. The glyph drawing resembles pincers extending themselves from the shell of the crab. Astrologer Bruce Nevin contends that the image represents female breasts and the stomach, parts of the anatomy ruled by Cancer. Nevin says that from an alternative viewpoint, the glyph looks like a nest with two eggs in it.[3] In whichever way one perceives the symbolism of the glyph, it clearly is associated with nurturing, emotional security, and protection.

In astrology’s system of rulerships, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer. According to Nevin, the Moon’s psychological associations include memory, the subconscious mind, the development and release of habits, one’s conditioning, one’s insecurities, and how you nurture and reassure others.[4] The Moon’s territory is the instinctual and subliminal mind.

Do you recall the passage from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, when the female protagonist begs her lover,

O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.

Juliet’s response to Romeo, Capulet’s Orchard[5]


In the above passage, Juliet aptly captures the qualities of the moon, the luminary in astrology that symbolizes changeability, emotionality, sensitivity, moodiness, nurturance, protection and ties to the past. It is a yin energy that females understand at a deep level, since the cycle of the female menses coincides roughly with the cycle of the moon. In artful language, Juliet is telling Romeo that she wants their love relationship to be an emotional tie that she can count on— one that is NOT like the moon. Perhaps this represents an inherent contradiction in the nature of the sign of Cancer, ruled by the inconstant moon. Cancer, with changeability in its nature, craves stability and emotional security. Interestingly enough, Cancer does get a “monogamous commitment” from its ruler, the Moon. Unlike most of the other planets in both traditional and modern astrology, the Moon only rules Cancer.

Cancer begins the season of summer at the solstice, and it is associated with the cardinal principle. As the season initiators, Cardinal signs are pivots or turning points of the year. This classification of signs represent a new energy to propel the movement forward.

As the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer rules the fourth house of the natal chart. Nevin notes that the fourth house begins the quadrant of the dependent family experience that influences and affects our conduct and direction in life. This familial experience affects our personal sense of security and our ability to nurture others. It can serve as a rich source of strength and purpose as we navigate our lives.[6]

How Cancer Energy Manifests In the Personality

After the intellectual whirlwind adventures of the preceding sign of Gemini, the succeeding sign of Cancer wants to go inward into its home and focus on the subjective world of feelings.  Gemini represents externalized, outwardly focused male energy (although some say this sign is androgynous).  At the summer solstice, the cycle precipitates a change to the female energy of Cancer. This is a completely new realm of exploration, and it suits the Cancerian just fine to burrow in this challenging, but comfortable world of caring for others and forging bonds. 

A primary concern for those with a heavy emphasis of Cancer energy is the need to be taken care of, or conversely, to be the nurturer and the one whom others depend on. Cancerians are the quintessential mothers. It can in fact be their reason for existence. In order to fulfill their mission at a competent level, Cancerians need to build an appropriate home or nest of some type. This represents their need for a secure environment, a place that is personal, and where people important to the sign are nourished.

In her usual eloquent style, astrologer Dana Gerhardt elaborates on the nature of the sign by observing the life of the crab.  Gerhardt asks why the crab didn’t evolve to swim full-time in the sea, or why it did not evolve to live on land’s hard surface.  Gerhardt says that crabs must have a love or need for both form (land) and formlessness (the ocean).  The crab lives between the rhythmic sea and the surfaces of cliffs and sand. This astrologer says that this unstable living environment explains the protected shell, the sideways movement, and the clawing pincers. Cancerians, as represented by the crab, seek security because the watery world of feelings is constantly shifting.[7]

Cancer has natural instincts about other people’s needs. While all people vary in their need for domesticity, each of us has a “minimum daily requirement” for a home, a reliable place where we rest and surrounded ourselves with items we value and people we cherish. This is where we nourish our bodies and our souls.  Some sayings must have been derived from the innate wisdom of a Cancerian, like “there is no place like home.” Or perhaps a Cancerian first uttered the adage, “the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This sign extends its protective tendencies to its love of country, and it wouldn’t be surprising to hear patriotic utterances from those who have Cancerian energy highlighted in their natal charts. 

When I think of motherhood and its association with Cancerians, I am reminded of the story of Evelyn Ryan, captured in a book authored by her daughter Terry Ryan, who entitled this memoir The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Children on 25 Words or Less.  A movie was later made based on the book, which included a perfectly cast Julianne Moore as mother Evelyn Ryan.  Evelyn is married to an alcoholic who often spends his paychecks on liquor rather than on the family’s necessities. When Evelyn seeks guidance from the parish priest about her husband’s problem and its impact on the family, her concerns are essentially minimized by the priest, who is quick to excuse the alcoholic father. To bring stability to the family’s finances during the 1950’s and 1960’s, Evelyn enters contests that challenge participants to devise jingles for various consumer products.  Clearly, Evelyn has communication and marketing talents, and she becomes successful in winning contests, securing both valuable items for the family, as well as prizes that are more amusing conversation pieces. Despite overwhelming challenges, Evelyn makes the best of her difficult situation with an upbeat attitude and deep affection for her children, meanwhile contending with an envious and abusive husband, and no moral support from her religion’s institution.  Regardless of what any mother’s sun sign may be, if she is “doing” motherhood, she is activating the Cancer energy in her being.  Like Evelyn, many mothers operate on the octane of “love” to overcome enormous obstacles while raising their families.[8]

Like the other water signs, Cancer’s personal boundaries are fluid and therefore encourage the expression of the emotions and ties to others. In astrological terms, the element of water is passive and receptive.  When you envision water, you know that it can take on many forms, from a hot vaporized steam to an extremely cold slab of ice. Similarly, the nature of Cancer takes on many personalities, from a moody, weepy, plotting personality, to the native’s state of soothing, protective warmth. Like other cardinal signs, Cancer does not tend to give up ground, but rather will persist with a goal she believes is worthy of pursuit.  This is not the aggressive pursuit of an Aries, or the duty bound plodding of a Capricorn. Cancer maintains her power with resistance.  Think of the many years Cancerian Nelson Mandela spent imprisoned with the vision of a South Africa free of apartheid. Another Cancerian, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, the exiled Buddhist leader, has also utilized peaceful resistance to gain support for a free Tibet. On a less political note, Cancerian Princess Diana (“shy Di”) won the hearts of the British public with her averted gazes and her low-key utterances about the stifling environment created by the Royal family. I read that Diana, in addition to her devotion for providing care to children, loved to do housework. What a Cancerian!

The human being’s journey around the zodiac is a process of incorporating various aspects of our humanness.  In each zodiac sector, we have the potential to learn how to assimilate the lessons of that way of being. Astrologer Dana Gerhardt helps readers of The Mountain Astrologer learn the zodiac sign archetypes at a deeper level by telling the mythical story of the twelve labors of Hercules, the lessons that are analogous to those experienced by each of the signs.  Gerhardt says that in Cancer we must learn to put intellect (Gemini) aside to listen to our inner self, our emotional self.  This requires learning the quality of receptivity. This process involves vulnerability and opening ourselves to our pain, which then opens the heart, and ultimately the healing process. From this process, the qualities of empathy and compassion emerge, and these are the real treasures of mastery for the sign of Cancer.[9]


 [1] Deborah Houlding. Skyscript.co.uk. Star Lore of the Constellations: Cancer the Crab. Retrieved on 6/17/12 from: http://www.skyscript.co.uk/cancer_myth.html

[2] Wikipedia. Retrieved on 6/17/12 from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_(astrology)

[3] Bruce Nevin (1982). Astrology Inside Out. Rockport, Massachusetts: Para Research, p.79.

[4] Nevin, Op.Cit., p.57.

[5] Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet, Capulet’s Orchard, Act 2, Scene 2.  Retrieved:  http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/romeo_juliet.2.2.html

[5] Dana Gerhardt. (2009, June/July). Cancer’s Labor: Meeting the Goddess. The Mountain Astrologer, Issue#145, pp.11-15.

6. Nevin, Op.Cit., p.19.

7. Dana Gerhardt. (2009, June/July). Cancer's Labor: Meeting the Goddess: The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #145, pp.11-15.

[8] Ryan, Terry.  (2001). The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Children on 25 Words or Less.  New York; Simon & Schuster.

[9] Gerhardt, Dana. Op.Cit.

Revisiting the Natal Chart of Julian Assange: the Cancer Sun Working Closely with the Scorpio Moon

Julian Assange
Wikileaks Editor-in-Chief and Cyber Hacktivist
Born July 3, 1971

In the wake of the latest intelligence information leaks in June 2013, I was intrigued by the notion of revisiting the natal chart of Cancerian Julian Assange, who I briefly profiled in an article this time last year. My motivation for a second look at his chart was also prompted by having recently seen the documentary “We Steal Secrets: the Story of Wikileaks,” directed and produced by Alex Gibney. This work not only explores the actions of Julian Assange and his colleagues but to a certain degree also probes Assange’s psyche.

Assange’s natal chart appears at the end of this article. Although his natal chart appears in Astro-Databank, I recalculated his chart based upon the birth time information revealed by The Mountain Astrologer staff who posted a revised birth time (originally given as around 3:00 pm but has now been revised somewhere between 2:05 to 2:09 pm) from a source they considered reliable.

Brief Biographical Profile

Julian Assange is known as the founder of WikiLeaks, a website that published information from whistleblowers regarding the government and military actions of various countries. Assange was born on July 3, 1971 in Townsville, Australia. His biological father, John Shipton, met Julian’s mother Christine, at an antiques shop on his way to an anti-war demonstration. The relationship ended before Julian was born, and father and son did not meet until Julian was 25 years old. By the time Julian was one year old, his mother had married the theater director, Richard Assange, from whom Julian adopted his surname. During his early childhood, Julian accompanied his parents as they toured with a theater group. His stepfather characterized Julian as "a very sharp kid" with "a keen sense of right and wrong.” "He always stood up for the underdog ... he was always very angry about people ganging up on other people." The couple divorced, and Christine married Leif Hamilton, by whom she had another child. They broke up in 1982, and Hamilton pursued custody of his son, Julian’s half-brother. Christine fled from her ex-husband’s pursuit by hiding for several years, and she moved with her sons continuously around Australia. Julian Assange later commented that he had lived in 50 different towns and attended 37 different schools during his youth.

In 1987, Julian, then 16, became involved in computer hacking, forming a group named the International Subversives. He developed rules for this subculture, which earned him a reputation for being “Australia’s most famous ethical computer hacker,” as dubbed by the Personal Democracy Forum. In 1991, Assange was discovered hacking into the local telecommunications systems. After three years of amassing evidence, the Australian Federal Police charged him with 31 counts of hacking and other crimes. After six charges were dropped, Assange pleaded guilty to 25 charges of hacking and was released on bond with a fine for good conduct. As it turns out, Assange’s unstable childhood became an asset when the judge proclaimed that Assange would have gone to jail for up to 10 years if he had not had such a disrupted childhood. Years later, Assange demonstrated his ability to work with law enforcement by assisting local police authorities in identifying the perpetrators of child exploitation.

As a computer consultant, Assange helped establish one of Australia’s first public internet service providers. Privately, he developed open source software, and he became an expert in encryption, with the goal of assisting human rights organizations protect their privacy. Although he studied at the collegiate level for a few years, he never completed a degree.

Believing that freedom of information serves as a necessary condition of democratic self-rule, Assange started WikiLeaks in 2006. He has stated that he prefers to be called the Editor in Chief of WikilLeaks, and not its founder. He explained the rationale for its formation in these words: "To radically shift regime behaviour we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not." Assange claims that WikiLeaks has divulged more classified documents than the totality of the world press: "That's not something I say as a way of saying how successful we are – rather, that shows you the parlous state of the rest of the media. How is it that a team of five people has managed to release to the public more suppressed information, at that level, than the rest of the world press combined? It's disgraceful."

Although not everything released by WikiLeaks has been a major revelation, there are documents that counter the official information releases from governments. Wikileaks caused much furor in April 2010 when it released the “collateral murder” video showing an incident on July 12, 2007 where a U.S. helicopter gunship in Iraq, without provocation. fired upon civilians, including children and two Reuters journalists. Later that year, Wikileaks embarrassed various governments with “Cablegate,” classified diplomatic cables from about 150 countries that exposed the behind-the-scenes actions taken by countries that contradict their press releases and demonstrate unsavory behavior. Since these releases, individuals affiliated with Wikileaks routinely have been detained at airports, have served as subjects for grand jury subpoenas, and have been ordered to turn over Twitter accounts and emails. Bradley Manning, an army private and the Wikileaks source for the “collateral murder” video, is presently on trial and facing serious federal charges.

After the release of the Baghdad airstrike video, Assange made public appearances across the globe. In mid 2010 it became known that the Pentagon was interested in apprehending Assange. In late 2010, Australia’s Attorney General indicated that he was investigating Assange for possible crimes, but the Federal Police inquiry found that Assange had not committed any crime. The U.S. Department of Justice subpoenaed Twitter for WikiLeaks account. In December 2010, many banks and financial services severed their relationships with WikiLeaks; these included Bank of America, MasterCard, VISA, and PayPal.

The Swedish government successfully obtained a European arrest warrant in 2010 to question Julian Assange in connection with a charge by two Swedish women accusing Assange of sexual assault. For two years, Assange fought extradition in English courts, during which time he had been required to report to police daily and wear an electronic ankle tag. On May 30, 2012, the Supreme Court of England ruled that the Swedish official initiating that country’s warrant was a legitimate official and had the right to issue a warrant for Assange’s arrest. Assange’s legal team lost an effort to reopen an appeal, thereby exhausting all legal avenues to prevent his extradition to Sweden. He has argued that if he is extradited to Sweden, the United States will pressure the Scandinavian country to extradite him to America to face espionage charges.

In June 2012, Julian Assange sought and was granted asylum by Ecuador, and has now taken refuge in that country’s embassy in England. It has now been one year since Assange has lived within the confines of the embassy, unable to leave because England has made it clear that he will be arrested once he steps outside the building. However, this has not stopped Assange from making public addresses from the embassy’s balcony and granting interviews that appear on news programs across the globe.

In light of the fierce government reactions against the recent intelligence leaks by Edward Snowden, it appears clear that there will be no lessening of pressure against Assange. Time will tell what the future has in store for his life.

Some Observations About the Natal Chart of Julian Assange

When Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant, as it is in Assange’s chart, it suggests the individual may experience some luck in bouncing back from situations. Jupiter in this position also describes a person with tremendous zeal, perhaps with an overzealous nature, or even fanatical tendencies. However, in Assange’s chart, Jupiter does oppose Saturn, the energy of authority and restriction. Assange’s freedom certainly is constrained by various authority figures. This opposition also reflects someone who is neither overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. The personality strikes a balance between constrictive and expansive energies. Additionally, Mars, in his fourth house of roots, certainly explains the life of someone who is always on the go, or someone who has to confront outward challenges on his home turf.

Motivated by the concept of protecting people’s privacy, Assange reflects the Cancerian concern for safeguarding. He believes in the proper role of authority, if it derives from the informed consent of the governed. In his view, the governed are not informed, and therefore government authority is not legitimate. Assange’s mission is to develop systems, policies, and ideals to protect people’s rights to communicate privately without government interference and surveillance.

The ruler of Assange’s 8th house Sun in Cancer is the Moon in the 12th house. Here we see a strong connection between these two luminaries, since the Sun is in the Scorpionic 8th house, the sign in which his Moon resides. The Moon often signifies the public, and in this context, Assange seems to be concerned with championing issues that he perceives to be against the best interests of the public. He wants to protect the public (Cancer energy) from having their private information extensively accessed by governments and corporations, and he investigates and reveals information (Scorpio energy) that he believes the public has the right to know.

The trine (aspect reflecting a harmonious flow) between the Cancer Sun and the Scorpio Moon suggest that these qualities work well together in Assange’s life. In fact, the Sun’s trine is the only major aspect to the Moon, her only associate in the chart. Astrologer Caroline Casey says a Cancer is just a Scorpio in a housecoat, or so says her friend Jayj Jacobs. According to Casey, they both have pincers and share the maternal quality of protectiveness.

I recently attended an astrology workshop conducted by Noel Tyl, a master astrologer who has four decades of practice experience. In Tyl’s astrological scheme, the Moon in the chart represents the individual’s reigning need that must be fulfilled in all aspects of the life, and it reflects the potential that unfolds over time. He says that when the Moon is in Scorpio, the individual has a need to know and to control what he knows. The need to know is clear in the biography of Assange, who calls for greater government transparency. On the other hand, when the government pressure on Wikileaks was at its apex, he asked his colleagues to sign nondisclosure agreements. This sounds like a contradiction, but on the other hand, the government and Wikileaks are not equal in power. Nevertheless, this is an instance where Assange wanted to control what he knows (and certainly, this is a responsibility of a journalist on behalf of confidential sources). Because Assange has a Scorpio ascendant (the personality) as well, Scorpio energy is quite pronounced in his chart.

Interestingly enough, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden, the three most prominent individuals associated with government intelligence leaks in the past decade, ALL have their Moon in Scorpio! It makes me wonder how often we might find the Moon in Scorpio in individuals who have written journalistic exposes or who have been involved in some form of espionage.

Still influenced by my Noel Tyl workshop, I could not help but comment on a vastly different feature of Assange’s chart — his Leo Midheaven! In contrast to the low-key and intense qualities of Scorpio, Leo is generous in displaying its extraverted sense of drama and showmanship in search of recognition and applause. In the documentary “We Steal Secrets: the Story of Wikileaks,” observers comment that once Assange became a worldwide figure of prominence, he was treated like a rockstar. He seems to thrive in situations where he is in the public eye, displaying what might be characterized as an ego-driven need for the limelight and for control. As is true of most of us, there are many different sides of Julian Assange’s character.


Caroline Casey (1998). Making the Gods Work for You. New York: Harmony Books, p.34.

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