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This blog presents my interpretation of astrological symbolism as it pertains to the unfolding of individual lives and the events occurring in our world. I welcome you to present your own views and to challenge my thinking. Although I attempt to rely on accurate sources of information, I encourage you to do your own fact-checking, since any resource may at times be flawed.

Saturday, September 21, 2013



If your birthday does not fall during the Libra timeframe for the year you were born, this DOES NOT mean that you do not experience the energy of Libra, because somewhere in your natal birth chart, it is present. All twelve signs of the zodiac are expressed in your being, although some signs, and therefore their corresponding energies, may be more emphasized than others. The Sun sign is about your essence, your vitality (what makes you feel alive), and your self-image. Whatever your Sun sign, you are on a life-long journey to discover and fully embrace this sign’s energy.

The Sun began its transit of the sign of Libra on September 22, 2013 at 1:44 p.m. PDT.

Libra Energy at a Glance

Here are some terms used to describe Libra characteristics:

*Balance seeker         *Justice proponent     *Focused on calming  *Reconciler of opposites
*Aesthetic                   *Indecisive                  *Collaborator             *Tolerance for paradox                  
*Mediator                   *Cooperative              *Sociable                     *Compassionately detached 

*Diplomatic                *Apathetic                   *Fickle                         *Easily deterred   

Libras Speak

Note: This section is intended to illustrate the nature of an astrological sign’s perspective as spoken by natives of that sign. I do not necessarily agree with these individuals. They may in fact contradict themselves in other instances (as leaders often do, such as Mr. Putin).

Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop Emeritus
Libra and South African Civil/Human Rights Activist
Born October 7, 1931

"There are different kinds of justice. Retributive justice is largely Western. The African understanding is far more restorative - not so much to punish as to redress or restore a balance that has been knocked askew."

Barbara Walters
Libra and TV Journalist
Born September 25, 1929

"Show me someone who never gossips and I will show you someone who is not interested in people."

Dennis Kucinich
Libra and Former Ohio Congressman
Born October 8, 1946

“We tried war, we tried aggression, we tried intervention. None of it works. Why don't we try peace, as a science of human relations, not as some vague notion - as everyday work.”

Vladimir Putin
Libra and President of Russia
Born October 7, 1952

“My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”

Annie Leibovitz
Libra and Portrait Photographer (major roles at Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair)
Born October 2, 1949

“A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.”

Deepak Chopra
Libra and Holistic Health Physician
Born October 22, 1946

“Like hunger or thirst, the instinct for balance is built into the human body.”

Michelle Bachelet
Libra and Former President of Childe and Past Executive Director of UN Women
Born September 29, 1951

“There is recognition that there can be no peace, no progress, no equality without women’s full and equal rights and participation. And there is recognition that there can be no gender equality without women’s realization of their full sexual and reproductive rights.”


Libra Symbolism and Sign Characteristics

Scales are the symbols associated with Libra, represented by the inanimate objects alone, or held by a human, like the medieval painting pictured before the beginning of the article. The scales convey the concept of balance. The beginning of Libra marks the time when we have equal night and equal day —the beginning of autumn. The scales also signify justice and the law, and on the spiritual level, the restoration of balance, like the concept of karma.

The Libra glyph, pictured above, resembles a yoke, indicating the need for teamwork and a balanced effort, observes astrologer Bruce Nevin. He notes that traditionally this is the season when farmers “weigh in” their produce at the fall harvest marketplace, where there is a need to balance social needs. Like the seventh house, Libra marks the point in the zodiac, says Nevin, where there is a shift from subjective concerns to objective consciousness.[1]

Libra rules the seventh house of “the other,” spouses or business partners, and some say our closest friends are also represented here. This is where we have a contract or commitment to another. In traditional astrology, the seventh house is called the house of marriage, as well as the house of open enemies. As many of us have observed, those closest to us sometimes seem like our enemies when they reveal information about us that we do not want shared with others. This is often the case when couples terminate a relationship. In the midst of anger and resentment, couples may vocalize intimacies about the former partner that may cause the other embarrassment or pain. The public antics of movie star celebrities Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are one example of this phenomenon. This frequent dynamic between former couples reminds me of the saying, “there’s a fine line between love and hate.”

Libra is a cardinal sign because it marks the beginning of a new season. Cardinal signs have an action orientation, using active energy to start something new. Libra is an air sign, which represents the mental and social realm. Like the other air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, this sign is savvy in the networking realm. Libra’s planetary ruler is Venus, which is concerned with attracting and relating to another. Venus is also about aesthetics and the arts. Astrologer Deborah Houlding says that Venus has a need to be wanted and a need for the approval of others. Consequently, relationships and the recognition of responsibilities to others is what gives meaning to life for Libra.[2]

The Sun represents the energy to express one’s individual nature, and it encourages the unfolding of whatever will make the individual feel more alive. The Sun is about the individual’s essence. When the Sun transits the sign of Libra, traditional astrology says that it is in “its fall”, a position indicating a lack of compatibility because Libra’s concern for “the other” weakens the Sun’s search for an individual identity. Houlding adds that the “natural subjugation of clear ego expression for Libra is compounded by the Venus rulership.”[3]

The positive attributes that Venus bestows upon Libra are good manners, diplomacy, civility, charm, refinement, polish, and good taste. Others may add descriptors like easy-going, friendly, peace loving, and fair. Librans are perfectly suited to positions at the State Department. They do well in venues where an institution or government entity needs a chief of protocol. However, because Libra wants surroundings to be beautiful and harmonious, this sign may be too prone to make judgments on surface appearances. Furthermore, because they are inclined to balance the pros and cons of opinions and arguments, they can vacillate between perspectives, making them appear to be without convictions. Some say Libra can be lazy, delicate, indecisive, overly dependent, overly adaptive, underhandedly manipulative, and lacking in self-confidence.

One of the major challenges facing harmony-loving Libra is how to handle the realities of everyday conflicts. Houlding notes that Libra can either synthesize these conflicts into a working whole or be in a state of inconstancy and indecision. Houlding proposes that the ideal process for Libra is to analyze the matter, and then integrate the analysis into a solution and a resolution, holding firm to their position, unless new information requires reevaluation.[4] Librans are at their finest when they stand by principles so they use their gifts of impartiality and fairness in a sincere manner.

Debunking Libra Stereotypes

Some of the astrological literature portrays Libra as being naturally harmonious and easy-going, and the Libra state of being seems almost languid. What some of these descriptions about Libra leave out is the fact that maintaining harmony and balance requires a lot of effort! It takes enormous energy to understand another and to sustain a workable relationship. Think of the hard work that goes into mediating a labor dispute or handling an international conflict in a diplomatic manner. Over thirty years have passed since President Jimmy Carter, who has his Sun in Libra, helped forge a peace treaty between Israel and its Arab neighbor of Egypt. In his historic Camp David address, Carter stated, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be the children of God.” The PBS history documentary series American Experience says of Carter:  “It's difficult to imagine any other American president doing what Carter did at Camp David. Most would not even have tried, and Carter's capacity for hard work, mastery of detail, moral integrity and just plain stubbornness all came into play. Though he would receive little domestic political benefit, it established Carter as a top global statesman and has served as the inspiration for much of his work since leaving office.”[5] Let us give Libra more credit for the energy required to obtain and keep the peace!

Libra is a cardinal sign, and we should not underrate their desire to initiate change and their will to pursue an agenda, but their process is to include others in that goal. Astrologer Caroline Casey, a Libra herself, loves to quote fellow astrologer Jayj Jacobs observation about Libra: “A Libra is just an Aires who has been to charm school.”[6] That statement reflects Libra’s drive to bring about a change. The difference between the two signs is major. Pure Aries energy is concerned with the self, while Libra is intent on meeting the needs of others in addition to the self. In a discussion, Aries might state, “This is how I feel.” Libra, on the other hand, may say, “Let me summarize how we feel.”


[1] Bruce Nevin (1982). Astrology Inside Out. Rockport, Massachusetts, Para Research Publishers, p.79-80.
[2] Houlding, Deborah. (June/July 2005). Libra the Scales. The Mountain Astrologer, #121, pp.29-35.
3. Ibid.

[4]. Ibid

[5]. PBS American Experience: Jimmy Carter. Production Year: 2002. Retrieved 9/27/11: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/general-article/carter-peace/

[6]. Casey, Caroline. (1998). Making the Gods Work for You. New York: Harmony Books, p.41.

The Natal Chart of UK Prime Minister David Cameron: Can We Expect the Unexpected?

David Cameron
Libra and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Born October 9, 1966


Like many of those who live outside the UK, I noted David Cameron’s ascension to the position of Prime Minister without much fanfare, perhaps feeling a bit disappointed that a member of the Conservative Party was now in power. Until recently, I have not paid much attention to any news that concerned him. However, I did take note of his recent attempts to pass a House of Commons resolution for military intervention in Syria, which went down in defeat. The British press characterized this as a “humbling” of David Cameron, in which his defeat resulted in a major “blow” to his governance and a “humiliating experience,” particularly after members of the House of Commons shouted out “resign.” After this parliamentary action, David Cameron, responded: “…I strongly believe in the need for a tough response to the use of chemical weapons, but I also believe in respecting the will of this House of Commons. It is very clear tonight that while the House has not passed a motion, it is clear to me that the British parliament, reflecting the views of the British people, does not want to see British military action - I get that and the government will act accordingly."

David Cameron's natal chart appears at the end of this article.

Brief Biography

A member of the Conservative Party, David Cameron has served as Prime Minister of the UK since 2010, when the May elections resulted in no clear party favorite. Joining with Nicholas Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, David Cameron formed a coalition that forced then Prime Minister Gordon Brown out of office. A Member of Parliament since 2001, Cameron became Leader of the Conservative Party four years later, thus positioning himself as one of the most inexperienced MPs to assume that status for a major British political party.

Born to an upper class family on October 9, 1966, David Cameron was educated at Eton College and then Oxford University, where he graduated with a first class degree in politics, philosophy, and economics. His family had a long history in international finance, and his father, Ian Donald Cameron, was a stockbroker. After graduation, the younger Cameron went to work for the Conservative Research Department for several years, and then held a Special Advisor position. He later became a Director of Corporate Affairs for Carlton Communications, serving in this capacity for nearly seven years. He left this position in early 2001 to campaign for a seat in Parliament, which he successfully secured.

David Cameron married Pamela Sheffield in 1996. Their first child, Ivan, was born with severe epilepsy and cerebral palsy in 2002, and died at the age of six from seizures caused by Ohtahara syndrome. The Camerons now have three children, two daughters and a son. Then the Leader of the Conservative Party, he took paternity leave when his son Arthur was born in 2006.

Some Observations on the Natal Chart of David Cameron

With a Sun in Libra and a Moon in Leo, David Cameron possesses the energy to please and give appreciation with the need to be respected, loved, and honored. He has the attributes necessary for someone in a position of authority who needs to work with others who express opinions different from one’s own perspectives. Libra is highly aware others, yet Leo may prefer to be the royal who oversees his kingdom with the adoration of his subjects.

Nearly all of Cameron’s planets are in the eastern section of the chart. This hemispheric emphasis reflects an orientation where the individual appears capable of “being the captain of one’s own ship,” thus demonstrating self-initiative. These planets are equally divided between the northern and southern hemispheres, therefore indicating that Cameron has both tendencies of extroversion and a need for privacy.

Perhaps the first thing we might notice in looking at his chart is that the planet Saturn is by itself in the western section of his chart. A “singleton” planet is always important in astrology because it alerts us to an important issue in the person’s life. Saturn is the “handle” of an astrological formation known as a bucket pattern. In astrology, Saturn often symbolizes the father. Saturn also represents the concept of controls or boundaries that are necessary in life to guide our orderly development. In Cameron’s case, Saturn is retrograde, which, according to astrologer Noel Tyl, often reflects an interruption or disturbance in the child’s home for the provision of necessary controls. It may indicate that the father was absent or if present, was weak or tyrannical. In any case, there is a high probability that the child did not receive a paternal authority that was lovingly exerted. Consequently, when this loving guidance is absent, the child has difficulties in developing a healthy sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and feelings of lovability.

I personally do not know anything about the relationship between David Cameron and his father. I do know that Cameron did break away from the family pattern of a career in finance. Instead, he chose a career in politics and public service. I do not know whether this shift reflected the relationship dynamics between father and son. Interestingly enough, the planet Uranus opposes Saturn in his chart. Uranus can signify risk-taking behavior as well as rebellion. Uranus is the dynamic in life that brings innovations to replace traditional structures that are not working anymore. Uranus awakens us to new ways of thinking and approaching issues. Uranus, conjunct powerful Pluto, in Cameron’s 12th house, may represent dynamics or issues he is not conscious about.

In his vocational guidance work, Noel Tyl also considers the oriental planet in a chart as one indicator of career inclinations. Tyl excludes Mercury and Venus from identification of the oriental planet, because by definition, they are always close to the Sun. If we look at Cameron’s chart, the oriental planet would be Uranus. From his experience, Tyl has found that Uranus signifies the sense of adventure and risk one seeks in a vocation. Most of us would not argue that being a world leader is a risky proposition!
While Uranus may often indicate the revolutionary, in Cameron’s case, it may more logically refer to Cameron’s need to exert his unique mark in his profession. It may also clue us into the possibility that David Cameron may deviate from expected behavior, and instead act in unexpected and unique ways.

Sources for the David Cameron profile:

Basil Fearrington (1999). The New Way to Learn Astrology. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications.

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